MODEL - Justine FILM TYPE - Provia 100 METER - f2.82 at 1/250 LENS/FILTERS - 105 SHOT AT - f2.87 at 1/250 SNIPPED AT - Normal PROCESSED AT - Normal COMMENTS - sun up JUSTINE BENTLEY Career Highlights Miller Lite commercial, Jockey commercial, Leaf Candy national print advertisement, LifeFitness national print advertisement "For the past year, my life has been consumed by redoing my 85-year-old house," says Justine. "I've finally restored the original wood floors and stripped the house down to the bare walls, and I've spent a lot of time in the yard and garden. It was hard work, but all of the little disasters - like when my pipes burst at 4 a.m. while I was grinding coffee - build character. Then you can deal with anything. "What has protected me within the modeling business is the fact that I grew up with a simple lifestyle. I grew up outside, building tree forts and creating many imaginary adventures. Fashion. What was fashion? You were cool if you owned a pair of Sasson jeans. I was far away from the modeling lifestyle growing up, and that has kept me very grounded. "Out of my four years of Inside Sports swimsuit shoots, this has been my favorite year. It was a perfect combination of staff and location. Cabo is so beautiful - I would like to go back there just for me. The desolate mountains, beaches, and deserts are a great reprieve. Driving was quite an adventure, however. We traveled along tiny two-lane highways that we were forced to share with wild donkeys and cows. They were everywhere, and if you weren't on careful lookout when you returned from a shoot in the middle of the night, you would hit one. Our codeword during the trip became 'cow.'"